Every once in a while, I get a question about hauntings and ghosts. The latest question I received was about how ghosts even exist.
Ghosts are not the same as spirits. Put simply all ghosts are spirits, but not all spirits are ghosts.
A ghost is the spirit of someone who has passed, who then refuses to cross over. Often the reason for this refusal is an attachment to a person, place, object or situation on the physical plane. There is so much attachment, anger, resentment, fear of crossing over, or other such energy that they stubbornly refuse to cross over.
So they stay. And it isn't pretty.
Staying on the physical plane in spirit form is no picnic. There is terrible loneliness, which only feeds anger and fear. The longer this way of being exists, the worse it gets.
The key to "ghostbusting" is employing guides and angels in the task of helping the person cross over. That is something that not everyone can do; it is very specialized and delicate. I and a few other mediums I know have done it, and it takes plenty of prayer and preparation, so don't try it yourself. It can get dicey if your not careful. And there are only certain ghosts that mediums can take care of. Others require the assistance of an actual exorcist - and that's a whole other realm.
I grew up around ghosts, unfortunately. There were three of them, and they were dangerous, one of whom tried killing my father at one point. It turns out that the ghosts were attached to a specific trunk, which we had to get rid of. But it took 4 years to localize the cause, which was 4 years of many strange occurrences and events.
I'm happy to say the ghosts are gone, and I was much wiser for the experience...for only being 5 years old!
Ghosts are not the same as spirits. Put simply all ghosts are spirits, but not all spirits are ghosts.
A ghost is the spirit of someone who has passed, who then refuses to cross over. Often the reason for this refusal is an attachment to a person, place, object or situation on the physical plane. There is so much attachment, anger, resentment, fear of crossing over, or other such energy that they stubbornly refuse to cross over.
So they stay. And it isn't pretty.
Staying on the physical plane in spirit form is no picnic. There is terrible loneliness, which only feeds anger and fear. The longer this way of being exists, the worse it gets.
The key to "ghostbusting" is employing guides and angels in the task of helping the person cross over. That is something that not everyone can do; it is very specialized and delicate. I and a few other mediums I know have done it, and it takes plenty of prayer and preparation, so don't try it yourself. It can get dicey if your not careful. And there are only certain ghosts that mediums can take care of. Others require the assistance of an actual exorcist - and that's a whole other realm.
I grew up around ghosts, unfortunately. There were three of them, and they were dangerous, one of whom tried killing my father at one point. It turns out that the ghosts were attached to a specific trunk, which we had to get rid of. But it took 4 years to localize the cause, which was 4 years of many strange occurrences and events.
I'm happy to say the ghosts are gone, and I was much wiser for the experience...for only being 5 years old!